
Friday, January 12, 2024

Salam Positif 3.0


Assalamualaikum. Aight, at this point we all know the drill hahaha 😂. The symptoms, the disbelief and lastly, the positive test result. Tak tau dah nak kecek apa, just purely dissapointed dengan my immune system HAHAHA. The symptoms sumpah macam my usual allergic reaction so aku tak kisah sangat when it first happened (10/1), and then I woke up at 11/1 with a battered body. Rasa macam kene pijak berjemaah, my nose has been clogged since last night, my throat is super itchy and sore. Did the test and confirmed positive untuk kali ketiga.

Padahal, ada lagi 2 hari nak habis intern weh. Literally Friday is my last day and yet, here I am. Have to be quarantined for 5 days, and cancel plan nak lepak dengan Muna. Nasib baik duit hotel dia boleh refund. Kalau tak, hm serba salah aku weh. Woke up at 3.00 am tadi sebab cold sweats, and tak boleh tidur semula so here we are, another post of commemoration. 

To be honest, it wasn't that bad. Cumanya, aku rasa bosan. Time ni la craving nak makan junkfood, nak air manis, nak itu nak ini. Nasib baik mak pak aku layan lagi kalau setakat nak makan burger. Oh, nasib baik jugak aku still boleh rasa. Alhamdulillah 😭.

Okay la tu je kot, nak sambung buat poster intern. Bye!

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