
Sunday, January 14, 2024

Adulting crisis

Assalamualaikum. Just a short post to commemorate Muna's advice to me. To those yang tak tahu, aku baru habis internship 12 Januari yang lalu and sejujurnya, I've been panicking over what jobs to do since Oct 2023. Aku dah mass apply kerja, dah go to interviews, but still no replies. I guess, it kinda messed up my mind. Mula rasa iri hati tengok kawan yang dah dapat kerja, mula rasa bad feelings bila kawan dah ada achievement tinggi sikit dari aku. Been feeling like this sejak internship hunting pun sebenarnya tapi this time dia macam intensified. 
So aku bagitau Muna about this. One thing she said is this:

Terus rasa nak menangis huwaaaa. Betullah tu, aku rushing nak buat apa. Timeline aku dah kira laju ni ha habis degree umur 23. Apa lagi aku nak, kan? Slow slow ah. Was so thankful for her words, that I decided untuk letak sini. One day, if I ever feel macam hidup aku stagnant, I will go back to read this again.

Hidup ni is all based on pilihan. Kau yang buat keputusan nak stay kat tara tu je ke, atau slowly improve hidup kau with the little things in your life? Tak perlu pun nak compete dengan orang lain. It's just you versus you.

Super glad I could get this off my chest hahaha. Sampai sini je la ek, bye bye! 


  1. Job hunting can be emotionally taxing, so make sure to prioritise urself!!! Keep moving forward you're not alone in this journey. :)


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