
Thursday, July 13, 2023

the power of a smile, i guess

This is very random but anyway, aku baru lepas interview untuk intern di sebuah syarikat A. Agak dekat juga dengan taman aku, plus elaun berbaloi kalau consider aku duduk rumah je. The thing is, yang interview aku tu asks me if I really wanted to be in lab department because apparently, "You nampak outspoken sangat, very suitable to be in sales department." Aku tak tau la itu compliment ke apa tapi aku rasa sangat bewildered sebab aku manusia introvert hahahaha. Then, I realize that I'm basically hehe-ing my way through the interview. Tak tau nak respond apa? Smile, Qillah. Dia puji tiba-tiba? Hehe, je la u. Tak sangka pulak dia perceived those responds as being "outspoken" ðŸ¤£ðŸ¤£ðŸ¤£ Okay dah tu je, post sebab terhibur hehe.




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